Posted on: September 1, 2017 Posted by: Zhang Comments: 0

In The Path of the Totality: Notes of a Veteran Chasing the Eclipse

Playboy Magazine There was no coincidence to this eclipse. When I first heard about it, it blew my mind. The idea of the midday sun blotted out by darkness at noon—in a line extending coast to coast from Oregon to South Carolina, passing through 13 states—excited my lizard-man brain. When I found out the centerline of the totality would cast a shadow over where my brother Marc was buried, there…

Posted on: November 4, 2016 Posted by: Zhang Comments: 0

So You’re a Spy and You Have a Cat: How Does That Work?

Catster Magazine One doesn’t expect a spy to have a cat. Or, at the very least, when one hears a spy interviewed on the radio about his new memoir depicting life in the CIA, there’s not a place when one thinks, “I wonder whether he has a cat?” Meet Douglas Laux, author of Left of Boom: How a Young CIA Case Officer Penetrated the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Laux does have…

Posted on: May 4, 2016 Posted by: Zhang Comments: 0

Rebel Without a COS”>Huffington Post It’s not every day I meet a covert operative. I sit across the table from Douglas Laux, a young ex-CIA agent, wondering just what his abilities are. Has he identified every threat in the bar? Has he mapped his emergency egress? Can he intuit my emotional state? Can he terminate me? Play it cool, I think. I don’t want to out myself as a noob. As Doug flags…